Future of India and Pakistan After Jammu and Kashmir Article 370 B and
370 C Neutrality
Abstract: - The article is about the situation evolved after the
scrapping the article 370-part B and part C. This may predication of future of
India and Pakistan in relation with State of Jammu and Kashmir and its
Citizens. The written statement is taken available from various sources /
papers/ News /Comments of Politicians etc.
1 Jammu and Kashmir

Figure 1:
Location of Jammu and Kashmir
The History of Jammu and Kashmir is Truly attached
with India (as old as 500-600 CE) as many manuscripts naming “Rajatarangini”,
Kalhana gives the historic print foot of Hindu / Indian relations with
involvement of rishi Kashyapa and his orders to Brahmins to settle down in that Place. After many Barbaric attacks of Mugals from
Middle east and Afghanistan and their rules in India. The geography, traditions
rules, laws and religion get effected and many converted forcefully into
attacker’s category.
2 History of India and Pakistan
Figure 2: India
In recent History the concept of Pakistan first come in 1887 from the formation of the Indian
National Congress was
seen politically threatening and he dispensed with composite Indian
nationalism. In an 1887 speech, he said:
suppose that all the English were to leave India—then who would be rulers of
India? Is it possible that under these circumstances two nations, Mohammedan
and Hindu, could sit on the same throne and remain equal in power? Most
certainly not. It is necessary that one of them should conquer the other and
thrust it down. To hope that both could remain equal is to desire the
impossible and inconceivable. This statement is seed Plant of Two Nation
Theory. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-nation_theory_(Pakistan)
Mr. Jinnah give the boost in 16 August 1946. As true
“after reading history my sense is working” when he called Direct Action Day
and it costs in many Indian Citizens Life with Cotyledon formation of Two
Nation one for Hindus and Other for Muslims. The Last Viceroy Lord Mountbatten
Confirmed it in open press “I
fully appreciate the fears of our brothers from [the Muslim-majority areas].
Nobody likes the division of India and my heart is heavy. But the choice is
between one division and many divisions. We must face facts. We cannot give way
to emotionalism and sentimentality. The Working Committee has not acted out of
fear. But I am afraid of one thing, that all our toil and hard work of these
many years might go waste or prove unfruitful. My nine months in office has
completely disillusioned me regarding the supposed merits of the Cabinet
Mission Plan. Except for a few honourable exceptions, Muslim officials from the
top down to the chaprasis (peons or servants) are working for the League. The
communal veto given to the League in the Mission Plan would have blocked
India's progress at every stage. Whether we like it or not, de facto Pakistan
already exists in the Punjab and Bengal. Under the circumstances I would prefer
a de jure Pakistan, which may make the League more responsible. Freedom is
coming. We have 75 to 80 percent of India, which we can make strong with our
own genius. The League can develop the rest of the country” (From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partition_of_India)
3 India and Pakistan 1947
India and Pakistan get Independence on 15 and 14
August of 1947 respectively. The Indian subcontinent, large geographical ground,
with almost same history and culture is divided into Four Countries Ceylon (Sri-Lanka),
Burma (Myanmar) East -West Pakistan and India by British Indian Government with
Independence of Ceylon on 4 Feb 1948 and Burma on 4 January 1948.
4. Jammu and Kashmir Conflict Insurgency and Article 370
The Table 1 shows the conflicts of India and Pakistan
with approximately lives lost on both sides and link of resolutions passed by
The important point is that in all wars Pakistan is
the initiator of war to engulf the Jammu and Kashmir as it does in Baluchistan.
It might be possible that Jinnah has had in mind that it may built a bigger
nation than India and pointing down Nehru and Gandhi. From some of the Books
and Documentary it is unacceptable by Jinnah to be ruled by Hindus or INC / or
Muslims ruled by Hindus. In that time India is a week nation and the stand
still agreement made by Maharaja Hari Singh with India and Pakistan is Broken
by Pakistan on Sep- Oct 1948. In result Jammu and Kashmir lost Large Area to
Pak and Maharaja betrayal by Pakistan decided to Join India and signed Document
of Accession. In 1952 Jammu and Kashmir become Indian State with Special
Provision of Article 370 A, B and C as temporary status.
As the Insurgency rises, the Issue of article 370 itself
get noticed by Citizens of India “Specially after 1999” Kargil war and demand
of scraping it get louds by Kashmiri Pandits, BakrWaal, Buddhis and other communities
as well as from other part of country. It gets acceleration after 2014 when Government
of India Noticed conformed that State of Jammu and Kashmir providing citizenship
to people belong from Pakistan hence citizen of India as per Indian Constitution
and other reason is the Policies adopted by Politicians and Political parties
in their own profits.
Table 1:
Main Conflicts of India and Pakistan on Jammu and Kashmir
Total Live Lost (Both Sides)
India and Pakistan 1947-48 Conflict
India and Pakistan 1965
India and Pakistan 1971
India and Pakistan 1999
Jammu and Kashmir Insurgency 1990 till 4 Oct 2019
75,000- 1,00,000
5 05 Aug 2019
On this date Govt. of India Introduces Jammu and
Kashmir Reorganization Act 2019 and comes in effect from 31 august 2019. After
this it come on UNSC Table again by Pak with help of China. However Political Leader
of Jammu and Kashmir is under detention (House Arrest) by Govt of India. Communication
Lines put on halt nearly for two months and Internet is still not started for
Pak and India both blaming each other for Skirmish and
local population of both sides get effected and loss of property.
6 Future
As seen
directly that in near future a war between India and Pakistan is crystal clear
and It might be possible that present political Leaders of “Kashmir region ” is
against India as they get hard hit by Indian Government.
7 Power Pack
Ø As
clear from the Global Political situation that China, Turkey, Malaysia and Iran
and may support Pakistan.
Ø Interesting
that on the bases of verbal communication by home Minister of India Article 370
B and 370 C get scrapped not 370 A. Second point of it is a complete state is shrinked
into Two Union Territories and Ladakh is Biggest UT and Jammu and Kashmir
presently UT in Future a State.
Ø If
Pak wants world community support They have to withdraw from entire Jammu and
Kashmir so that resolutions may be implemented.
Ø If
resolutions implemented, then it might be possible that Partition of India not
only limited to Partition of Bangel and Punjab, it may also reach to Jammu and
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